Walkability in Delaware

Walkability is the term that labels how easy it is to walk in a neighborhood. Basically how easy it is for a person to get to point A to point B, or from his/hers house to the town center. Focusing on Delaware, I put boots to concrete and trekked around various streets in Delaware. After almost spending four years here in Delaware I think I have a good idea of Delaware’s Walkability, and can say with confidence that Delaware’s score is above average. Here is what I found.


Delaware follows a grid pattern. This allows for pedestrians to easily navigate even the busier crosswalks such as those in front of Amatos/Solar Solon and UDF/Smith Hall. As an added bonus the intersections that are close to campus have wheelchair assessable sidewalks.


Informative Signs

Signs around Delaware at various spots with various information point towards main attractions that exist throughout Delaware. These are relatively new and promote a sense tourism and town “friendliness”.



Characteristics of Good Walkability

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